We are pleased to announce that registration will open early this year!
If your group registers BEFORE August 25th, you can get a $5 discount per youth.
What’s new this year?
I’m glad you asked. We heard a lot of feedback last year about how the certain stations are always the same; so, this year, we are completely revamping several stations. First Aid, Fire Building, Knots & Lashings are all getting updated and so are a few other stations.
How should you prepare for this? ANYTHING covered by the Ready Trailman required Trail Badges is fair game –
- Aquatics
- Camping
- Fire Ranger
- First Aid
- Our Flag
- Outdoor Cooking
- Ropework
- Trail Skills
- Woods Tools
So, start working with your patrol now! We encourage everyone to have a working knowledge of all areas but also recommend that you assign specialties to different patrol members. Teamwork is difficult to achieve, particularly at 3am in the morning.