It’s a little under 2 weeks until Night Ops 2016! We have several activities that youth can participate in on Saturday.
Remember, you’ll be tired and so will many others. Please be courteous to everyone by staying quiet around the sleeping areas until noon.
Frisbee Golf
A form of a Frisbee Golf course will be setup. Like in put-put, you will score yourself and will go through it in groups. While some frisbees will be provided, please bring additional just in case. Note: this is not the traditional disc golf but it is similar.
AHG Badge Workshops
Several AHG troops have organized a badge workshop for the AHG girls to work on the outdoor skills badge and another TBD badge.
Treasure Hunt
We are working on creating an orienteering treasure hunt for sometime during the afternoon
Other Events
Other events that might happen are:
- capture the flag
- team building exercises
Awards Bonfire
After dinner, we will gather around the bonfire for the awards ceremony. Station leaders will have the opportunity to talk about how their station went (funny stories, inspiring stories, etc) and will give their station award to the patrol with the highest score for that station. Then we’ll announce the rankings for all patrol and award the top 3 patrols with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons and give out any other awards.
Patrols / groups will also have the opportunities to perform skits.