Camp Aiken Clean Up From Hurricane Helene

Greetings Troops!

As many of you know, we had to cancel the AHG weekend of Night Ops 2024 at Camp Aiken due to Hurricane Helene and it’s far reaching effects.

Camp Aiken sustained a significant amount of damage from the hurricane. Many trees and limbs are down at campsites and on the trails. We were not able to survey all of the damage but it’s is more than can be cleaned up by Mr. Bill alone.

At this time, the powerlines that were taken down by fallen trees has been fixed, and power has been restored to Camp Aiken. Depending on the amount of help from volunteers, it could take several months before the campground is back in really good shape.

Volunteer To Help Clean Up Camp Aiken

Trail Life and AHG troops who would like to help with the trail and campsite clearing and maintenance should reach out to Camden Tilley and Mr. Bill McCullough to see what the needs are and schedule a time to come out and help.

From my conversations with Mr. Bill, much of the work needed is removing/cleaning up fallen trees and limbs.

At this time, we (the Night Ops staff) are not able to commit time to organize a group to go up. If anyone is interested in coordinating with other troops to do a service day/campout, I can pass along contact information.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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