In previous years, we’ve put an emphasis on the need for stealth for many reasons. I want you to understand why so you know how seriously you need to approach this – Do you need to wear camo and face paint, communicating in bird whistles? Or can you get away with singing marching songs?
Why we want you to be stealthy.
When Night Ops first began, back when it was called Mafeking, we shared the camp ground with other troops. We wanted to be respectful and courteous to them so we required participating patrols to be stealthy. We have also in the past had “boogies” or “boogie men” in the woods who would shoot water guns at any group being too loud.
What we expect.
I expect that your patrol should maintain a respectful quiet while on the trail and keep lighting to a minimum, while also maintaining safety. In other words, we shouldn’t hear you coming; and you shouldn’t be lighting up the trees and shining your light in people’s eyes. While you’re at a station, refrain from yelling whenever possible.
Will we be impressed if you sneak into a station without us seeing you coming? Absolutely. Will we be happy if you end up hurt because you couldn’t see where you were going? Absolutely not. Should you be concerned with the “boogie man”? No comment. Just remember, be safe and be smart.